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Appalachian Forest School Offered by The Arc of Appalachia in 2025

Information from The Arc of Appalachia 
   The Arc of Appalachia is delighted to announce the return of the Appalachian Forest School! After several years of retraction during which the Arc’s staff adjusted to our phenomenal growth, this beloved program has been resurrected with renewed energy, a fresh vision, and a lineup of events that celebrate the beauty, biodiversity, and wonder of our nation’s Great Eastern Forest.

   The Appalachian Forest School provides meaningful, hands-on field studies in a small intimate group setting with content suitable for all experience levels - from beginning naturalists to professional biologists. Events are led by talented and passionate leaders who are experts in their fields, ensuring an unforgettable journey of discovery for each participant and the acquisition of new and enduring outdoor skills.

   We can’t wait to welcome you back to our Appalachian Forest School community.

   Don’t forget to check into our larger-scale annual nature events, including the Wildflower Pilgrimage, Mothapalooza, and Tree People. Click HERE to learn more and sign up.

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